In church this morning the preacher was talking about what an awful year this has been for everyone and how this Christmas is going to be the worst Christmas he personally has ever known and he assumed most people felt the same.
We are in a second wave and huge surge in the first worldwide pandemic that has been seen since 1918. At best it has hijacked our peace, our family time, our vacation plans, our holidays, our weddings, our honeymoons, our graduations, and birthday celebrations, our educations and the education of our children and grandchildren. And at worst it has hijacked our health, our businesses our jobs and the ability to support our families, our sanity, our mental and emotional health and the ultimate -- precious members of our families and then the funerals to honor and pay respects to those precious members,
We have seen our fair and equitable election process be made a total sham of leaving the country in a horribly divided embarrassing mess and the highest office in our once great land has been made a mockery of. The election process and in turn the presidency of the United States have literally been hijacked.
The president elect apparently has dementia and cannot even complete an intelligent sentence. And I'm not making fun. It is sad that he has been put on display in this kind of condition for people to attack him for something he cannot help. It is disgusting to see and I feel terribly sorry for him but all sympathy aside he is not fit for the office of President and it is my sincere believe that he will never be allowed to serve that in that capacity and I do not believe that it was ever intended that he would. Human decency, it seems, has been hijacked as well.
Real Journalism has certainly been hijacked taken over by social media and tech moguls. We are now being spoon-fed political propaganda and everything that does not agree with their agenda - censored. The first amendment to our bill of rights - our Freedom of Speech - has been hijacked.
Truth has certainly been hijacked. There is no truth not even in the face of a worldwide pandemic - we can't even trust what we are told about the health crisis affecting the entire world because the truth has become relative depending on which political party you hear it from.
We have racial unrest and violence in almost every major city that has been bought and paid for and carefully choreographed. They have killed, maimed and destroyed and it has all been sanctioned by the local Governments.
Cities have been taken over. Our Historical Statues and Monuments, pieces of our history, beautiful expressions of art, owned and paid for by the American Tax Payer have been destroyed; again fully sanctioned by the local Governments.
Police have lost all power and are not allowed to even defend themselves from violent protesters. Again sanctioned by the local Governments. Law and order and democracy gone. Yep. Hijacked.
All culminating to be "globally" yes, the worst year I've ever known in my 67 years but "personally" well that's a different story. 2014 still has that prize and so far though this has been no picnic, Christmas 2014 still holds the record at my house..
The thing about this Christmas vs. 2014 Christmas is that 2014 kind of ruined every Christmas from now on. Hoping to God that 2020 will not have that same power and effect.
The world has looked upside down and wrong to all of us for six years and it just kind of feels like to me like the rest of world has just now caught up.